Tag Archives: only 10 companies

Yes, Picking Good Companies And Sticking With Them Is Boring

Is exceptional growth boring? Typically yes. Because it means fewer changes, fewer trades, fewer hours of research. But it is so worth it! Do you think you need to trade all the time? Do you think you need to own stock in 50 different companies? You are probably making yourself too busy and hurting your… Read More »

I Could Do Better Investing In Stocks, But Why?

In this post, I am going to examine goals. When I was originally starting out investing again three years ago, I was looking at about 20% yearly gain as a difficult bar to surpass. Well, now I know that a 140% return is possible investing in just little ole individual stocks. Not forex, not options,… Read More »

Don’t Be The Dumb Money In The Stock Market

Smart money or dumb money. Truth is we are all somewhere in between. Including those that trade for a mutual fund or ETF. Or even professional stock analysts. To be dumb in stock market investing means that you trade based on information that has little relevance. For instance, what other traders say on bulletin boards.… Read More »

Week In Review 6/7/2020

The following are the things we learned this week: We learned why we might want to invest. We invest to beat inflation, for compound growth, and just for the fun of it. How we can make 22.99% tax free! Spoiler – It is saving money by paying extra to your credit cards until they are… Read More »