Tag Archives: lose money

If Stock Investing Is Gambling, You Are Doing It Wrong

140%. That is what my individual stock picks did in the last year (past 12 months). Yes, I am petrified that it won’t last and that I will lose money. But each month I check the financials of each company, and each month I am happy with the way the numbers look. So I stick… Read More »

Are You Really Up For Stock Investing?

Anybody can invest in the stock market, yes. But should any given person? There are traps to watch out for. If you are in it to get rich quick, you will likely lose. Why? Because you probably won’t build up an emergency fund first. You’ll put a chunk of money in your brokerage account. Invest… Read More »

You Will Lose Money If You Invest In The Stock Market

I mean that both literally and perhaps not so literally. There will be time when market value will decline and your gain will be negative. There will also be times when you want to sell a loser, and have a good reason. The hope is that overall your stock portfolio will gain, in time, much… Read More »