Why do I even do this?

By | September 5, 2024

Write for this blog that is. Therapy maybe? I’d like to believe that I’m helping you, my audience, invest better and avoid some of the major pitfalls of investing. I certainly don’t make money doing this. Perhaps I am looking for future riches doing this?

Yes, I’m thinking that I might make a little money writing about investing. But it doesn’t really matter that much. If I make zero or $1 million, I’m probably happier close to zero. Because there is a lot of work that goes along with making more money. I like to write. I don’t like to manage advertising clients. I don’t like to erase thousands of spam comments. I don’t like to keep the blog, PHP, plug ins, and whatever else up to date so that the blog keeps working. I just like to write.

And yes, sometimes it’s about therapy. Things don’t always go my way and sometimes things are better than I ever thought they could be. I like to write about both to reinforce the good and the bad in my mind. If you get something out of it great.

But here I am, preaching that you shouldn’t listen to guys like me, especially the ones who think they know it all. Because everyone is somewhere on the spectrum between knowing very little and needing to learn that one more thing that they didn’t know before. Something that surprises them. I don’t know it all. I’m surprised more often that I like. Mainly because I know what I know but there’s a big world outside of what I know. And many analysts are in the same boat. Smart people know what they know and don’t know much else.

If you get something out of what I say, awesome. Know that I’m rooting for you. Someday drop me a line and let me know how you’re doing.